Maji Plaza,Prisons Road,off Eldama Ravine Highway,Nakuru Town

08:00 - 17:00

+254 725 999 000


Celebrations rocked Muti-Umwe village in Ndaragwa, Nyandarua County after the Cabinet Secretary Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Sicily Kariuki commissioned a much-awaited community water project.
Here, women danced freely as they fetch water from a new water kiosk commissioned by the CS next to a primary school. From a distance, pupils are seen dancing too as they try get a glimpse of the minister joining the jubilant women for a traditional dance as she lifts jericans full of water on their backs.
According to Julia Kimani, women often travel long distances to fetch water. This, she says in turn affects school attendance for young girls, and has an effect on other development indicators.
The implementation of the Muti-Umwe borehole water project has brought a sigh of relief to the residents by providing reliable and portable water to the community.
‘The suffering is over and we lack words to express our joy. Truly our prayers have been answered and these women are committed to ensure that our kitchen gardens will now onwards flourish,’’ said Julia, a resident.
The project is aimed at improving access, quality, availability and sustainability of water to Muti Umwe Primary School, Ndaragwa Boys Secondary School and the people of Muti Umwe and Maili Kumi in Nyandarua.

Upon project completion and hand over, it shall be serviced and managed by the committee with members drawn from three stakeholders. Apart from this, the Agency on behalf of the ministry is also implementing several other projects among them are; Mayu borehole, Surguroi borehole, Ndaragwa secondary borehole, water pans, Kirima water project and Pesi Kabaa borehole.
From here, the CS drove to Aberdare TTI grounds accompanied by several political and administrative leaders from both levels of Government. However, before arriving at the venue, CS Kariuki inspected ongoing laying of distribution lines for Leshau-Karagoini water supply project.
Addressing hundreds of residents, she announced the commencement of the much-awaited rehabilitation of Leshau-Karagoini water project in Ndaragwa sub county.
‘’The jubilee administration is committmed in ensuring that Kenyans not only here in Nyandarua access sustained water supply, but quality water across the country. As the Government does this, I encourage the community to take good use of this commodity,’’ said the cabinet secretary.
The Agency received funds for the implementation of phase II under the National Water Harvesting and ground water exploitation programme. The phase I of the project was undertaken by the Ministry of ter, Sanitation and Irrigation under climate resilience and sustainability programme at a cost of sh96.7 million and completed last year.
Once completed, more than 40,000 residents of Kiriita, Leshau Pondo, Central wards in Ndaragwa constituency will be supplied with clean water both for domestic and livestock purposes.
It involves rehabilitation of 27.1 km distribution network and water connected to ten storage tanks spread across the target areas. At the same time, a 10.5km new pipeline has been laid and expected to connect another six tanks.

At the same time two major supply tanks have been rehabilitated and ready for use. ‘We are committed to deliver this project in time for our people to start enjoying sustainable water supply,’’ said CRVWWDA acting Chief Executive Officer, Eng. Samuel Oruma.
Other works to be done include; repair of masonry tanks, supply of bulk meters, supply of consumer meters and construction of masonry chambers.
The area under the jurisdiction of CRVWWDA includes; Baringo, Nakuru, Nyandarua,Laikipia, and Narok counties.

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About Us

The Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency (CRVWWDA) is one of the nine (9) Water Works Development Agencies in Kenya and was formed under Section 65 of the Water Act, 2016. It was established through Kenya Gazette Notice No. 4 dated 7thFebruary 2020. The region served by the Agency comprise of the five Counties of Nakuru, Narok, Laikipia, Baringo and Nyandarua.

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